SynopsisTakakage is troubled by a strange dream, seemingly of a former life as a soldier in the Sengoku Era of Japan. In that life, he loved the miko Ayame, though their love was doomed by war. Now, in this life, he is given a prophecy that he will meet the woman of his dreams.
Takakage, a college student, has been having strange dreams lately. In them, a young shrine priestess named Ayame promises to marry a young, look-alike soldier named Genshiro the night before he is sent to battle. Takakage finds a maiden who looks like the woman from his dreams. With the help of her, his sister, and his fortune-telling friend, he seeks to find the answers of what their, and his, true origins lay.InformationType: OVA
Episodes: 2
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Nov 10, 2000 to Feb 16, 2001
Producers: Y.O.U.C
Genres: Hentai, Romance
Duration: 28 min. per episode
Censored: No
Language: Japanese
Format: MP4
File Size: Approx 120mb
Screenshots: Download Links:vol 1: - 119.2 MB
vol 2: - 121.4 MB